Synonym: furtively. Similar words: on the side, on the spot, on the score of, on the spur of the moment, on the contrary, in the soup, in the shade, synthesis. Meaning: adv. in a furtive manner.

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1 She must have been having lessons on the sly.
2 He has to visit them on the sly.
3 They'd been seeing each other on the sly for months.
4 He drives his mother's car on the sly while she's at work.
5 So we continued to meet on the sly.
6 Dick had started drinking again on the sly.
7 I won't be party to your bitching yourself on the sly.
8 Sethe made a dress on the sly and Halle hung his hitching rope from a nail on the wall of her cabin.
9 Sometimes she would give him money on the sly and he would help her with chores.
10 The smartest girl passes answers on the sly to her table-mates.
11 We try and slip him in on the sly when we think we've got them hooked.
12 We three got the kitchen on the sly.
13 Many people attended the meeting on the sly.
14 Now they wouldn't have to socialize on the sly.
15 She often writes to Peter on the sly.
16 Henry Fox got married on the sly.
17 Was she meeting some guy on the sly?
18 Think of here,[][] I also on the sly laughed.
19 Some boys smoke on the sly.
20 She picked up the new nylon umbrella on the sly.
21 Everyone around here knows that he's a man on the sly.
22 He certainly wasn't dumping his pints on the floor on the sly.
23 Elmer Gantry feels guilty for his vices: seeing people on the sly and drinking.
24 My parents didn't approve, but we continued to meet on the sly.
25 I just found out that my boy friend has been dating Mary on the sly.
26 I also remember that schoolboys would start to spit at the same age as they took to smoking on the sly, just to show what grown-ups and tough guys they were.
27 Some officials claimed to unhook connections with the companies but still maintained close ties on the sly.
28 She is having an affair with her Japanese teacher on the sly.
29 If you don't think your employer will pay for the freelancer, have you considered subbing out the dreaded task on the sly and paying for it out of your own pocket?
30 So some men may feel the need to prove their manliness on the sly.
More similar words: on the side, on the spot, on the score of, on the spur of the moment, on the contrary, in the soup, in the shade, synthesis, parenthesis, parentheses, synthesize, in the same way, in the shape of, month, in the same boat, in the short run, on the way, on the run, on the go, man in the street, photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, on the road, on the air, on the hop, on the job, on the dot, monthly, on the town, on the ball.